St Neots Previous Courses
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Course Title: Famous Russian women in history and culture
Course Description: Many remarkable Russian women have made a considerable contribution to Russian and world history and culture. An empress, a diplomat, a hussar, a poet, a ballet dancer, a spy and a pilot: they all led extraordinary lives, full of hardships and pleasures, excitement and bewildering twists. How were they affected by different historical and political contexts? What was special about Soviet women and their relationship with the power? We will discover new names and unveil some mysteries about familiar historical figures.
Tutor: Marina Burrell
Venue: United Reformed Church, Moores Walk, St. Neots PE19 1BN
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 02:30
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 08/01/20
No. of Weeks: 10
Fee: £
Course Title: The Golden Age of Spain – 1469-1598
Course Description: Before 1479 Spain was not a unified country but compromised a number of small independent kingdoms. Over the first half of the sixteenth century Spain became the Superpower of Europe. This was based on her extensive empire, impressive military strength and the unifying effect of Catholicism. This course looks at 120 years of Spanish history and examines her rise to prominence. Consideration is given to the impact on contemporary Europe of Spain’s actions. Three monarchies – Ferdinand and Isabella, Charles V and Philip II were driving forces in Spain’s dominance. After flourishing in this period Spain lost her importance as a European power and declined to become a spectator in European affairs.
Tutor: Dr. Mike Muncaster
Venue: United Reformed Church, Moores Walk, St. Neots PE19 1BN
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 14:00
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 27/01/22
No. of Weeks: 9