Godmanchester Previous Courses
Previous Courses
Course Title: Honest Toil: Working Lives before 1800
Course Description: The two courses explore some of the worlds of work, paid and unpaid, that our ancestors have enjoyed or endured in the last 500 years, across the country. In the earliest period, workplace and home were largely the same, and as technical inventions spread across the country and entrepreneurs devised new means of production, more people went out of the home to work. Correspondingly huge changes have taken place in the last hundred years. Over the 500 years our sources of information have also expanded and changed, so that more people have actively commented on their work. Each course is independent, so you can attend either or both!
Tutor: Honor Ridout
Venue: Queen Elizabeth School, Godmanchester PE29 2NB
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 16/01/20
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £
Course Title: The Daily Grind: Working Lives in 19th & 20th centuries
Course Description: The two courses explore some of the worlds of work, paid and unpaid, that our ancestors have enjoyed or endured in the last 500 years, across the country. In the earliest period, workplace and home were largely the same, and as technical inventions spread across the country and entrepreneurs devised new means of production, more people went out of the home to work. Correspondingly huge changes have taken place in the last hundred years. Over the 500 years our sources of information have also expanded and changed, so that more people have actively commented on their work. Each course is independent, so you can attend either or both!
Tutor: Honor Ridout
Venue: Queen Elizabeth School, Godmanchester PE29 2NB
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 27/02/20
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £
Course Title: The People of Godmanchester
Course Description: This five-week module will explore the population, how they were fed, what they believed, and the buildings of the town. Our tutor is a local historian who has published several books about Godmanchester and its history.
Tutor: Ken Sneath
Venue: By Zoom invitation
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 14/01/21
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £
Course Title: Everyday Life in Godmanchester
Course Description: In this five-week module, we will consider everyday life of residents, and how they died. The course will include material from our tutor's most recent publication, which uses local Wills and Inventories to paint a picture of the beginnings of consumerism.
Tutor: Ken Sneath
Venue: By Zoom invitation
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 25/02/21
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £
Course Title: From Mud to Cement
Course Description: In this ten-week course (with a half-term break), we will be examining vernacular architecture in England, from pre-historic times to, more-or-less, the present day. This will be a chronological sweep, beginning with prehistoric housing in the first session and ending with ‘modern’ housing in the final session. We'll get a grand overview of the development of housing, and see that in some ways things haven’t changed much from pre-history, but in other ways, technological innovations and changes in fashion and in society have been highly influential in shaping our views on houses. We shall also be touching on some of the social and cultural lifestyles that have influenced the houses that we live in.
Tutor: Ges Hartley
Venue: ZOOM invitation
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 23/09/21
No. of Weeks: 10
Fee: £
Course Title: Merriment and Masses: Medieval Festivities and Entertainments in East Anglia
Course Description: The ordinary people of medieval East Anglia worked hard but also knew how to celebrate. This course explores the ways in which they marked important festive occasions, and the activities they enjoyed at times of relaxation and entertainment. Topics which we will cover include - Christmas, Easter, spring and summer Celebrations; music, dancing and play-going; drinkings and Church Ales; sports and games; pilgrimage.
Tutor: Kate Jewell
Venue: ZOOM
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 13/01/22
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £
Course Title: The Light Ages
Course Description: The tale of the transfer of scientific knowledge from ancient Greece to Medieval Europe via Islamic (Arabic) philosophers, who held the torch of learning and scholarship while the light of European intellectual activity was almost extinguished during the "Dark Ages".
Tutor: Paul Ranford
Venue: ZOOM
Day Of Week: Thursday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 24/02/22
No. of Weeks: 5